Best Management Practices
We promote a series of different best management practices providing education, background, and technical information to producers in the region.


Soil Health and Gypsum Application Education Event
As part of the outreach and education conducted by the Blackford County SWCD, a workshop was held at the Montpelier Civic Center. The workshop included presentations and discussions on Soil Health and Gypsum application. Dr. James Camberato, Purdue University Professor of Agronomy spoke on the pros and cons of using gypsum application as a soil amendment for Indiana soils.

In addition, Stephanie McLain (State Soil Health Specialist) and Tom Bailey (State Conservationist and Agronomist) with the Natural Resources Conservation Service spoke on soil health. They also conducted classroom experiments to show the benefits of certain practices and how they improve soil health.

Wetland Restoration Education Event
To discuss the value of natural wetlands and the need for wetland restoration, Blackford County SWCD along with the Jay County SWCD sponsored a field day at the Limberlost. DNR Wildlife Biologist Kent Hanauer and DNR Naturalist Curt Burnette discussed the wildlife, plant life, and functions of these important and productive ecosystems. Landowners were also made aware of grant programs to restore these systems on their property.

Pollinator / Invasive Species Field Day
Blackford County SWCD in partnership with the Jay County SWCD held a pollinator/invasive species field day at a local landowner’s property. The landowner had taken advantage of several available conservation programs to improve her property both in terms of conservation and soil health. Several professionals discussed pollinators, invasive species, and available cost-share programs to address these issues.

Children's Conservation Field Day
Each year the Blackford County SWCD hosts a “Conservation Day of Learning” at Lake Placid. All Blackford County 3rd graders meet for a day full of fun activities and interesting presentations. Conservation officers discuss boat safety and firefighters discuss fire safety… with real life props! Purdue extension and others cover subjects from watersheds to owl pellets. The day is brought to a crescendo with Jungle John and his Silly Safari’s Zoo. Exotic animals result in smiles, screams, and laughter!

Additional educational events:


Here are some short videos that describe the sort of practices that our producers implement. We promote these practices as part of our outreach efforts. Implementation of these types of Best Management Practices help us achieve our ultimate goal which is to increase conservation practices that improve soil and water quality for future generations.

Grazing Practices
Waste Storage Facilities
Cover Crops
No-till/Strip till
Forest Stand Improvement
Grassed waterways
High Tunnel
Drainage Water Management
Wetland Restoration